
Dear eARThiest friends: NEED YOUR HELP for 2014 Fukushima Kids Dolphin Camp in Mikura Island, JAPAN

Dear eARThiest friends:NEED YOUR HELP for 2014 Fukushima Kids Dolphin Camp in Mikura Island, JAPAN (Drawing from Natalija Ribovic Natalija GERMANY) I am writing this to all the artists in the all over the world to support children in Fuk…

NEED YOUR HELP for 2014 Fukushima Kids Dolphin Camp in Mikura Island Crowd funding

FUKUSHIMA MAMA & KIDS TEAM BERUF would like to present “2014 Fukushima Kids Dolphin Camp in Mikura Island” from July 21 – 26 for children in Fukushima to release their stress from radiation fear caused by 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami…

 "FUKUSHIMA KIDS DOLPHIN CAMP2014御蔵島"Projectへのご協力のお願い!クラウドファウンディングReady Forへのチャレンジスタート!

こんにちは!Oak-to-all-relationsの藤田 央です。 今日から、いよいよ五月ですね。 緑が目に飛び込んできて、心地よい季節になってきました。 みなさん、如何お過ごしでしょうか!私達は、この度、福島のこども達に自由な野生のイルカの世界を感じて欲しい…